Application number: | PCT/ES2012/070660 (21.09.2012)
| Priority number: | ES20110031522 (21.09.2011)
| Applicant: | SERVICIO ANDALUZ DE SALUD (ES) Avda. de la Constitución, 18 E-41071 Sevilla, ESPAÑA | Other/s applicant/s: | UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA (ES)
| Inventor/s: | TEJERO GARCÍA, Sergio (ES); GIRÁLDEZ SÁNCHEZ, Miguel Ángel (ES); CARRANZA BENCANO, Andrés (ES); CANO, Luis Pedro (ES); NAVARRO ROBLES, Alfredo (ES); GALLEGUILLOS RIOBOO, Carlos (ES);
| Abstract: | The invention relates to a device designed for use in the study and diagnosis of bone pathologies of the end of the lower limb, preferably of the hindfoot. More specifically, the invention relates to a device designed for locating a patient's hindfoot in a position of eversion or inversion and that makes it possible to perform a complete evaluation of the pathomechanics of the subastragalar joint, preferably with the assistance of medical imaging systems. The device comprises one or more surfaces for supporting the patient's hindfoot, a pressure means configured in order to exert a pressure on the support surfaces, and a positioning means connected with the pressure means and the support means, which is configured to locate said support surfaces in a position of eversion or in a position of inversion.
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